Linkedin Java 檢定題庫 子類別複寫

Posted by c9103205 on 2021-07-02

1:  class Main {
2:      Object message(){
3:          return "Hello!";
4:      }
5:      public static void main(String[] args) {
6:          System.out.print(new Main().message());
7:          System.out.print(new Main2().message());
8:      }
9: }
10: class Main2 extends Main {
11:     String message(){
12:         return "World!";
13:     }
14: }
  1. It will not compile because of line 7.
  2. Hello!Hello!
  3. Hello!World!
  4. It will not compile because of line 11.

answer :C
Main2 繼承了 Main 這個 class
同時因為他們都擁有message() 這個method

第六行因為是用 Main這個物件執行message()
於是走第三行印出 "Hello!"

於是走第12行印出 "World!"
合起來就是 "Hello!World!"

#linkedin #java

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